Poni is the magical alliance of accounting expertise and advisory services, offering the best of both worlds:
Accounting >
- Meticulous accounting services to help you meet your fiscal and legal obligations,
- Providing accurate and relevant data to fuel what comes next...
Advisory >
- This is where things get serious. We are your co-pilot to drive your financial strategy,
- We support you with:
- Your business plan,
- Your budget forecasts and cash flow projections,
- The creation and/or improvement of your financial processes (which often overlap with your business operations).
Want to work with us? Send a brief.
Poni is a chartered accounting firm registered with the Ordre des Experts-Comptables des Hauts-de-France. We operate throughout France thanks to our cutting-edge digital processes.
(But why "Poni"? Because most startups will never become unicorns, we thought a pony would already be pretty great 🐴)